Adding your application as default app in Android build
12 May 2012
I have been working on Android source code for past few weeks. I was never a systems’ guy or a C programmer for that matter except whatever was required for college assignments. So I had to struggle a lot to get more and more information about changing Android source code the way I want, and sadly very limited information is available over internet about changing Android source code (If I am wrong, I would really appreciate your help links as comment :) ).
Ok so in this post I would discuss how to add your Android application as default application in Android build. Whenever you are customizing ROM mostly you want some of the application to be installed in /system/app folder i.e. as default application so that no one could uninstall unless they have root access.
I followed following steps to achieve this :
( Note: All paths are relative to top root of Android source code )
- Add your android source code to the folder /packages/apps. If you have developed app using eclipse then remember to remove gen and bin folders as we are going to build is using make command.
- Write file for your application and add it to top level of your application source. I have given a sample file
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir) include $(CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optional LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES := libarity android-support-v4 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-java-files-under, src) LOCAL_SDK_VERSION := current LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := <your package name> include $(BUILD_PACKAGE) ################################################## include $(CLEAR_VARS) include $(BUILD_MULTI_PREBUILT) # Use the folloing include to make our test apk. include $(call all-makefiles-under,$(LOCAL_PATH))
- Add your applications entry into /build/target/product/’s PRODUCT_PACKAGE list. The file looks like this
# Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # PRODUCT_BRAND := generic PRODUCT_DEVICE := generic PRODUCT_NAME := core PRODUCT_PROPERTY_OVERRIDES := ro.config.notification_sound=OnTheHunt.ogg ro.config.alarm_alert=Alarm_Classic.ogg PRODUCT_PACKAGES := ApplicationsProvider BackupRestoreConfirmation Browser Contacts ContactsProvider DefaultContainerService DownloadProvider DownloadProviderUi HTMLViewer Home KeyChain MediaProvider PackageInstaller PicoTts SettingsProvider SharedStorageBackup TelephonyProvider UserDictionaryProvider VpnDialogs apache-xml bouncycastle bu cacerts core core-junit dalvikvm dexdeps dexdump dexlist dexopt dmtracedump dx ext filterfw framework-res hprof-conv icu.dat installd ip ip-up-vpn ip6tables iptables libOpenMAXAL libOpenSLES libaudiopreprocessing libcrypto libdvm libexpat libfilterfw libfilterpack_imageproc libgabi++ libicui18n libicuuc libnativehelper libnfc_ndef libpowermanager libspeexresampler libsqlite_jni libssl libstagefright_soft_h264dec libstagefright_soft_aacdec libstagefright_soft_amrdec libstagefright_soft_g711dec libstagefright_soft_mp3dec libstagefright_soft_mpeg4dec libstagefright_soft_vorbisdec libstagefright_soft_vpxdec libvariablespeed libwebrtc_audio_preprocessing libwilhelm libz screencap sensorservice # host-only dependencies ifeq ($(WITH_HOST_DALVIK),true) PRODUCT_PACKAGES += apache-xml-hostdex bouncycastle-hostdex core-hostdex dalvik endif
- Build new system image and see magic :)
Hope this post will help you guys :). Any suggestions and corrections/amendments are welcome :).