Building Android source code on Ubuntu 10.04+
17 May 2012
Fortunately or unfortunately I faced a lot of problems while building Android 4.0.3 on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. I searched a bit about the same, because Android officially supports two platforms for building source code : Linux and Mac. But the thing is that Google supports LTS versions and since last LTS version of Ubuntu i.e. 10.04 a lot of changes has been made which leads to build failures.
I had to solve these errors by manually changing some of the files and removing some of the constraints from various .mk files. But then I realized that most of the errors are due to gcc compatibility. So while executing make command I passed which version to be used for make like
make CC=gcc-4.4 CXX=g++-4.4
And I didn’t get any of the errors that I used to get when I used to execute just make.
Hope this will help you Android developers :).